Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!
I also hope that Project 2 is coming along – it’s going to be due next week!
In what little class time we had last week, we started to talk about image processing. This week, we’ll continue that conversation.
If you haven’t read up on image processing, you should do so now. Last week’s readings still stand. The readings are a little more advanced than what we’ll cover in class. But you’ll need to know the basic ideas for the exam.
We won’t have time for a third project for you to do image processing. But you’ll want to make sure that you can do the basics (the exam is coming soon!). So try your hand at Assignment 11. By the way, I posted answers to Assignment 9b.
As far as Project 2, we were going to have a project check point as an assignment. But we’ll just assume that everyone is making good progress. If you aren’t be sure to come to office hours (both Adam and I have office hours this week), or the Project Discussion (Monday, Dec 1, 4:30, room 1240).
So, there is nothing to turn in this week on Wednesday. But make sure you’re keeping up on the work!
The end of the class will be quite compressed. The project will be due on Wednesday, December 10th. The exam is on Sunday, December 14th. This means it will be very difficult for us to accept late projects. We’ll give you handin details soon.