Due Wednesday, October 22nd and turned in via Moodle.
Note: this is “Assignment 7a” since there might also be an assignment 7b due on the same day. But I am not sure yet.
The goal of this assignment is for you to show us that you’ve started Project 1. You really don’t want to wait until the last minute, so we’re forcing you to start early by asking us to show us you have. Of course, you could leave the actual hard parts of the assignment until the last minute – but we don’t recommend it.
Also, having you start means that you should have at least read the project description, which will mean that you will be able to ask questions if there is something you don’t understand.
What you need to do
This assignment is easy: just show us that you’ve started Project 1.
Read the project description. It will tell you what you need to do for the checkpoint. Read the whole description (it’s quite long) – be sure to ask any questions you have (preferably on Piazza – in case someone else has the same question).
Download the framework code. Look it over. Get it to compile. Run it. Take a screen shot. Upload the picture to Moodle.
What to turn in
Turn in a screenshot of the framework code running. If you get farther than just compiling the framework, you can send us a picture of more than the empty framework – but the empty framework is OK. Your picture will look something like:
How will you be graded?
Check or not turned in.
If you don’t start on the project early, you’ll pay in other ways later.