I am changing the syllabus a bit: to give people more time to think about projects (including me), we’ll postpone discussing graphs and networks and take more of our time with dealing with “too much stuff.”
The readings for this week (March 19-23) are Chapters 7 and 8 of Tamara Munzner’s book. (chapter 7) (chapter 8)
These just scratch the surface of some important topics (like Principal Components Analysis). But, rather than giving you more readings, I would prefer that you have more time for working on your project.
There’s a Piazza page for discussion, so comment on the readings. One thing to consider: what would you like to have read more about? What things did we discuss in class that you would have preferred to hear more about? What of the ideas in the readings/lecture did you think were particularly cool and interesting?
You might want to make more than one posting (one before class Monday about the readings, one after class Monday about the lectures, one after class Wednesday about all the lectures. The earlier postings are useful for me to plan lectures.
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