We have been pretty lenient with allowing late assignments for class. However, as we get towards the end of the semester, we need to set some deadlines.
Any assignment turned in more than a week late will be noted as “very late” – however, it is better to do things “very late” than not at all.
For the quizzes (assignments), you must complete them by Thursday, December 17th. (the first day of exams) for them to be counted.
For the programming assignments:
- For assignments 1-5, these are already marked. In the event something went wrong and your grade was not recorded correctly (we sent people messages if we didn’t have assignments from them). You should be able to check in canvas to see that the assignments have been graded. If something is wrong, check with Jyoti.
- For the graphics town assignments: We will start grading this weekend. If you do not turn in P10 (and the prior assignments) by Friday 12/4 (e.g. have it in place before Saturday morning), it will not be graded. A coming posting will detail some things to check about to make sure grades happen smoothly.
- The train assignment is Due Thursday, December 3rd. Late assignments will be accepted until the last day of class. However, if you turn things in very late you will not only be penalized, but will lose out on the opportunity to have us ask you questions if things go wrong.
- There will be one last programming assignment – it will be “due” on Thursday December 10th (since assignments are always due on Thursdays), but there will be a grace period (no cost extension) until the last of of classes (Tuesday, December 15th). You will have a week beyond that to turn in late assignments.
- No late assignments can be accepted after the exam.