Reading 7: Lighting and Texturing

by jmishra on October 9, 2015

Due: October 19

We’ll learn the basics of lighting and texturing. The readings won’t necessarily discuss the implementation details. But you should understand the basics before we more on to either the details, or the advanced methods.

Evaluation: Check/No Check (based on passing the Quiz). Details on the quiz coming soon.

Handin: Canvas link


Chapter 10 of FCG will give you a basic idea of the basic kinds of lighting we do in graphics programs. You’ll need the discussion from lectures to understand how it fits into the bigger picture.

Chapter 11 of FCG discusses the concepts of textures. The key ideas are there, but in lecture we’ll explain how this connects to the more common kinds of texturing that you’ll do more often. Chapter 15 of Hart only talks about the most common kind of texture mapping – but its important enough that you should see it again.

If you really want to know about the details and more advanced uses of texturing, Chapter 6 of the Real Time Rendering book is a great resource. It’s an encyclopedic survey of things as they were in 2008. The foundations haven’t changed (although fancier new methods exist, and the fact that we have more programmable shading means we can do fancier things).

Required Readings

  • Chapter 10 of Fundamentals of Graphics (Link)
  • Chapter 11 of Fundamentals of Graphics (Link)
  • Chapter 15 of Hart’s book (Link)

Optional Readings

  • Chapter 6 of RTR (Link)
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