New Hand-In Instructions

by Mike Gleicher on September 21, 2015

Now that we have some experience using Canvas, we are realizing that we need to change the way we hand-in programs. There are some issues with how Canvas handles files. Please follow these instructions for ALL program handins (starting with P3).

When you turn in a program, please turn in ONE file. This file should be a “.zip” file (an archive that contains all the files of your assignment).

Please name your zip file: (where X is the program number). So for me it would be: The naming is important since Canvas often tries to put all files in one directory.

In the zip file, there should be one file named index.html. It should be at the top level of the directory structure. This should be the “main program” that we should load into a web browser to run your program. If you have a README file, it should be in this same directory as the index.html file.

The index.html file can refer to other files – but make sure if uses relative links (not hard coded links to places on your computer).

You can have hard coded links to servers to fetch libraries (for example, rather than including twgl in your assignment, you can link to the copy on

Please check – before you turn in the assignment – that your program works. (unzip the file, click on index.html). If your program shouldn’t run (you’re knowingly turning in a non-working program) please note that in the comment box when you turn in your program. The best check is to open the zip file on another computer (like a CS lab computer) and try it there. However, if you’re careful with checking, this shouldn’t be absolutely necessary.

In the event that you re-submit your program after the due date (for example, if you get a request from the grader to fix something), please attach “_v2” (or _v3 for the third version) to the file name… So if I had to re-submit my P3 it would be This is important so we don’t over-write the original (which we need for the date stamp).

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