Policies and procedures for the graphics lab.
- Knowledge Repository April 16, 2013
The wordpress blog pages.graphics.cs.wisc.edu/WP/knowledge has been created to allow people to post a searchable and indexed list of experience, tips, tricks, and opinions on different frameworks, languages, and environments for making graphics projects. If you are not already a member you will need to be approved by an admin to view the posts.
Continue reading → - Connecting to the lab via remote desktop September 21, 2012
The following is a guide to connecting to our Windows lab computers via tunneling over SSH. For this guide, I’ll assume you’re using putty, though any client will work with some adaptation of these instructions.
- Open putty, and on the screen fill in “{linux-lab-machine}.cs.wisc.edu” under hostname.
- Under Connect > SSH > Tunnels, add a source port “5000” (this can be anything, this is the local port on your current computer that putty will listen to to forward traffic on), and fill in “{your-lab-machine}.cs.wisc.edu:3389” under Destination. The other settings should be “Local” and “Auto.”
- Click the Add button. You should see “L5000 {your-lab-machine}.cs.wisc.edu:3389” in the list.
- (optional, but nice) Under Connection > Data, fill in your username under Auto-login username.
- Under Session, type a name into the Saved Sessions textbox and click the Save button. This will save your settings, so all you need to do in the future is double-click your session in the list.
- Select your saved session and click Open or double-click your saved session.
- Putty will connect and prompt you for your password. Log in.
- (assuming you’re using Windows) Start > Run… > “mstsc”. Under Computer, type “localhost:5000” (where 5000 is your local port you selected above). Click Connect.
- On the login screen, click Other User, and log in as “CS.WISC.EDU\{username}”. The ALL-CAPS is important. AD\ won’t work outside the department.
When you’re done with your session, mouse over the top of the screen and X out of remote desktop. Don’t log off the machine or you’ll actually force your computer to log you off and you may lose work. Close the putty window when you’re done.
Continue reading → - Adding Paper Information October 13, 2010
If you want to add a new Graphics publication, or modify an existing one, you will need to undertake the following steps:
- Follow the Intranet link. You will need to log in using your CSL credentials.
- If you are already a listed author in the database, continue. Otherwise add yourself using the Authors link under Publication Database.
- Follow the Publications link under Publication Database and add or edit your publication, making a note of the name assigned to it in the database (for instance a paper by John Doe in 2000 might be Doe00, a paper by John Doe and Jane Doe in 2010 might be DD10).
- Upload associated media (pictures, movies, pdfs) to the /p/graphics/public/htdocs/Papers/YEAR/CODE/ directory, where the year is the publication year and the code is the name from step 3.
- abstract.html and info.html are reserved for the abstract information and a “see also” section. Use info.html to direct people to your research page or other related pages.
- Once all of your files have been updated, go to your publication page and hit “update” to alert the database to the changes you have made.
- Adding Research Information October 13, 2010
If you want your research to be listed on the graphics research page you will need to undertake the following steps:
- Register for an account. You must use a wisc or cs.wisc.edu email address for registration.
- Wait for your account registration to be processed.
- Log in to the wordpress site.
- Go to the “Research” menu and click “Add Research Description”
- Go to the HTML viewer and change every property in capital letters. If you want to upload an image directly using the WordPress media upload tools you may, but make sure that it is inserted as a left-aligned image.
- In the “Categories” tab (right-side), make sure you check one of the options underneath ‘Research’: Active, Inactive, or On Hiatus.
- Fill in the ‘excerpt’ text box (bottom of the ‘Add New Research Description’ page) with two to four sentences. Anything longer will overwhelm the research overview page.
- Select a title image by specifying a ‘featured image.’ Click the ‘set featured image’ link in the bottom right and specify an image that represents the research. This image will be shown when navigating to the research page.
- Hit publish!
If you want to alter your description (including changing your category take on or drop a project), log in, go the the Research->Research menu, and edit your description. Be sure to keep your description up to date with the most current publications. More recently-edited descriptions will bubble up to the beginning of the research description lists (on the homepage and under /Research).
Continue reading → - Adding Personal Information October 13, 2010
If you want to be listed on the graphics members page you will need to undertake the following steps:
- Register for an account. You must use a wisc or cs.wisc.edu email address for registration.
- Wait for your account registration to be processed.
- Log in to the wordpress site.
- Go to the “People” menu and click “Add Person”
- Change the title of the person to your own, in “Lastname,Firstname” format
- Go to the HTML viewer and change every property in capital letters. If you want to upload an image directly using the WordPress media upload tools you may, but make sure that it is inserted with identical style to the template.
- In the “Categories” tab make sure you check one of the options underneath “People:” Alumni, Faculty, Friends, or Students.
- Hit publish!
- Under your user options (in the dashboard, Users > Your Profile), add your biographical sketch to the ‘Biographical Info’ textbox. This will allow your info to be displayed under each post you author on the main site.
If you want to alter your description (including changing your category when you graduate or switch labs), log in, go the the People->People menu, and edit your description.
Continue reading → - Status Reports September 30, 2010
If you are an RA, or an undergrad doing a directed study under Mike Gleicher, you ought to be doing weekly status reports.
More information can be found here.
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