We just returned from the IEEE VIS 2014 conference in Paris, France.
We presented two full papers:
Michael Correll and Michael Gleicher. Error Bars Considered Harmful: Exploring Alternate Encodings for Mean and Error. (InfoVis track)
Eric Alexander, Joe Kohlmann, Robin Valenza, Michael Witmore, and Michael Gleicher. Serendip: Topic Model-Driven Visual Exploration of Text Corpora. (VAST track)
We also presented three workshop papers:
Michael Correll, Eric Alexander, Danielle Albers Szafir, Alper Sarikaya, and Michael Gleicher. “Navigating Reductionism and Holism in Evaluation.” (BELIV 2014: Beyond Time and Errors – Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization)
Michael Correll and Michael Gleicher. “Data Are Secular, Not Sacred.” (DECISIVe : Dealing With Cognitive Biases in Visualizations)
Michael Gleicher. “Towards Comprehensible Predictive Modeling.” (Workshop on Visualization for Predictive Analytics)
And Michael Gleicher was a panelist for “Bridging the Gap: Translating Perception and Cognition Expertise into Visualization Research and Practice.”
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