The graphics lab just got back from the IEEE VIS Conference in Atlanta, GA. We presented three papers:
Michael Gleicher. Explainers: Expert Explorations with Crafted Projections.
Michael Gleicher, Michael Correll, Christine Nothelfer, and Steve Franconeri. Perception of Average Value in Multiclass Scatterplots
Adrian Mayorga and Michael Gleicher. Splatterplots: Overcoming Overdraw in Scatter Plots.
Four posters:
Michael Correll and Michael Gleicher. Error Bars Considered Harmful.
Danielle Albers, Alper Sarikaya, and Michael Gleicher. Lightness Constancy in Surface Visualization.
Eric Alexander, Joe Kohlmann, Robin Valenza, and Michael Gleicher. Serendip: Turning Topics Back to the Text.
Alper Sarikaya, Danielle Albers, and Michael Gleicher. Understanding Performance of Protein Structural Classifiers.
Two of our students (Danielle Albers and Michael Correll) were participants in the 2013 VIS Doctoral Colloquium. In addition Lightness Constancy in Surface Visualization won Best Poster in the SciVis track, and Explainers: Expert Explorations with Crafted Projections. was an Honorable Mention paper in the VAST track.
Congratulations to all attendees and accepted papers!
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