If you want your research to be listed on the graphics research page you will need to undertake the following steps:
- Register for an account. You must use a wisc or cs.wisc.edu email address for registration.
- Wait for your account registration to be processed.
- Log in to the wordpress site.
- Go to the “Research” menu and click “Add Research Description”
- Go to the HTML viewer and change every property in capital letters. If you want to upload an image directly using the WordPress media upload tools you may, but make sure that it is inserted as a left-aligned image.
- In the “Categories” tab (right-side), make sure you check one of the options underneath ‘Research’: Active, Inactive, or On Hiatus.
- Fill in the ‘excerpt’ text box (bottom of the ‘Add New Research Description’ page) with two to four sentences. Anything longer will overwhelm the research overview page.
- Select a title image by specifying a ‘featured image.’ Click the ‘set featured image’ link in the bottom right and specify an image that represents the research. This image will be shown when navigating to the research page.
- Hit publish!
If you want to alter your description (including changing your category take on or drop a project), log in, go the the Research->Research menu, and edit your description. Be sure to keep your description up to date with the most current publications. More recently-edited descriptions will bubble up to the beginning of the research description lists (on the homepage and under /Research).
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