Forcing Standardization in VARD Part 2

The final aspect of standardization I will discuss will be common early modern spellings forced to modern equivalents, decisions where the payoff of consistency outweighs slight data loss. The VEP team decided to force bee > be, doe > do, and wee > we. Naturally one can see the problems inherent to these forced standardizations. Bee in early modern spelling can stand for the insect as well as the verb. Similarly with doe, it can signify a deer or a verb. Read more…

VARD & Character Encoding

Deidre Stuffer
in News
Everything is always already encoded. The first time I used VARD, discussed in my previous entry, it was a shiny toy, one with which I wanted to automatically process batches of TCP TEI P4 XML files. That was in February of this year. Since then, interactions I have had with VARD underscore the need to understand how the tools I use work. The public releases of ECCO-TCP, EEBO-TCP, and Evans-TCP texts is a boon scholars, who can use these texts as the basis for their scholarship. Read more…