Comments on: Phase 2 Status: Adrian, Michael, Reid, and Aaron Archive of 2011 Computer Animation Course Web Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:55:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Correll Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:55:59 +0000 Some additional clarifications:
1) The random walk graph we are generating is based on loading in a folder of motions, splitting each motion into equally sized fragments (currently a hard coded parameter) and then creating connections when the similarity between two fragments end/start states is lower than a certain threshold (also a parameter). This algorithm is O(n^2) w/r/t the number of fragments. We’re looking at tweaking the similarity metric to take derivative, smoothness, and motion type into account, as well as constraint adherence.
2) The graph visualizer is generated on the fly, and updates as more motions are added and more connections are created.
