Comments on: Adrian, Michael, Reid, and Aaron Phase II Proposal Archive of 2011 Computer Animation Course Web Fri, 11 Mar 2011 04:02:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: gleicher Fri, 11 Mar 2011 04:02:09 +0000 Mixing motion graphs and path editing is a good idea – not one that has been fully followed through. Check out Mankyu’s SCA ’05 paper (with Lucas and I) where he gives one take on it. He comes at some of the gotchas (how do you make an inexact search? how do you know if the search is close enough?), but his path editing scheme is a bit simplistic.

You should say something about your search strategy. In particular, I think that A* (or bi-directional A*) are useful additions and well-worth your time.

I think that giving the user control over various tradeoffs (transition quality, how close a match, much much editing, …) will be interesting to show the tradeoffs in the techniques. It would also be nice to visualize the differences between different synthesized motions.

It seems you have ideas for the UI, but these aren’t so clearly articulated (which is why people have asked about it). Putting some thoughts into a cool UI is a nice touch.

You will also need to think about finding a rich enough database to do non-trivial experiments with.

By: csv Thu, 10 Mar 2011 03:55:27 +0000 May be I am wrong, but the way I interpret the word “Sketch” is some hotch-potch lines which are extremely hard for computer to recognize, whereas any human has immediately recognize the context. Also, in your description, you mentioned Spline, which has well defined mathematical structure, so I am not quite sure, what will be the interface ?

It will be nice to see “sketches” having lots of discontinuous and computational vague curves.

By: sgallege Tue, 08 Mar 2011 01:49:45 +0000 Sounds like a very interesting idea combining 2 major concepts. What would be the practical applications of your project? Is it more geared towards character animation for movies than an interactive/ gaming kind of environment. I like the idea of using he sketch parameters to model the motion, but I’m not completely clear on how the style of the brush strokes would be parameterized in to motion. Are there any existing videos that utilize this method.

I also have a similar concern to Danielle has mentioned; because you are giving the user full control, wouldn’t it be a problem if the user sketches are discontinuous or difficult to parameterize. How are you planning on handing such cases.

I look forward to seeing your results, best of luck with your project.

By: Danielle Mon, 07 Mar 2011 21:58:06 +0000 At first glance, this seems like a really cool idea. How does this approach plan to handle computing where the blends begin (i.e. will they be automated or determined by overlap between the curves)?

Also, from the description, it feels as if the user will have full control over the overall motion paths. Will there be any smoothing constraints on the input motion paths to avoid discontinuities in the path that could potentially be introduced by the user? Also, has any thought been placed on how the tool will handle the order in which the different splines are traversed?
