Assignment 5: Handin and Evaluation

by Mike Gleicher on March 2, 2013

Assignment 5 is due on Friday, March 8. There are 3 parts to what you must do:

  1. You must turn in your “artifact” so I know how far you have gotten.
  2. You must participate in peer review (by having someone look at what you’ve done, and evaluating someone else’s system)
  3. You must send me information on your Assignment 6 plan.


I am not going to ask you to turn in your code (now). I do want you to prepare a written description of what your program does. Look over the assignment description – you’ll see there’s a bit of a checklist (there are 9 items). Be sure to have that list of 9 items and describe what your program does for each. Describe enough to convince me that you have achieved what the item is asking. You should also list any additional features that you have done beyond the requirements.

You will probably find that having a few pictures will go a long way in terms of describing what you’ve done. So include at least a few pictures as part of your description. You may also try including some (short) video clips showing off features.

I have no idea how well this will work out, but let’s try using the Moodle Assignment Handin function. The page is here. I have no idea if you’ll be able to upload multiple documents, or if you’ll have to make a ZIP file. Please put all your static (writing and pictures) materials into a single document as a PDF file.

This can be turned in any time on Friday. (If it’s Saturday, it’s not Friday).

Only one member of each pair needs to turn things in, but to make grading easier, the other person should turn in a note saying that your partner turned in the assignment.

Moodle will want me to give you a numeric grade, but basically, it will be graded on an A-F scale

Peer Review

Each person is responsible for showing their system to another person (not your partner), and to evaluate at least one other group’s project. Each pair is responsible for making sure that they show different people things. (so you and your partner need to pick different people to show things to). In class Wednesday the 6th, we’ll sort out who will look at whose project.

When you review a project: send me (the professor) email saying: (1) who showed the project to you and (2) your evaluation of it. I’d like you to give a few sentences of general thoughts, and then for each of the 9 elements of project 1 say whether or not the person convinced you they succeeded (and what they did to convince you).

This will be graded and count like a reading assignment.

Note: if you’ll be out of town or otherwise unable to give/receive a demo on March 8th, let me know before March 6th so I can make arrangements.

Assignment 6 Idea

Each group must have an idea for assignment 6. Before Friday March 8th (that means it should be in my email when I get up in the morning on Friday March 8th) you should send me an email describing your assignment 6. Each group only needs to send 1 email, but please CC your project partner.

I expect to give everyone feedback on their initial ideas from the checkpoint, including advising people on what to read for Reading 12. If possible, it would be to have some dialog to discuss your ideas before March 8th. (either by email or in person).

Assignment 5 Checkpoint

by Mike Gleicher on February 27, 2013

On Friday, March 1st you have a “checkpoint” for Assignment 5. For this checkpoint you need to send me email explaining what the status of things is.

In this email, please:

  • CC your project partner (so I don’t have to try to look up their email). Only one of you needs to send me a note. Note: if you are having problems with your partner, you should send me a separate email.
  • Explain your tool choices (languages, libraries, …)
  • A description of what you have working (e.g. parsing files, drawing characters, basic camera controls, …)
  • Your thoughts on what you want to do for part 2. If you give me some ideas as to what your are interesting in / thinking about, I will help you come up with a more specific plan.
  • Please include a screen shot so I can get a sense that you are actually drawing stuff.

Check/No Check Grading and Movie Grades

by Mike Gleicher on February 25, 2013

Since someone asked today:

As you know, I am still experimenting with Moodle – so, some of the things that are, um, not-ideal about how stuff works are things that I am aware of but am stuck with the system. Or are bad choices and I’ve learned that I can’t do anything about.

One thing you’ll notice: for check/no check assignments (like reading), I am actually marking them on a 4pt scale: notable, acceptable, minimal, none. There is a lot of noise in how I check things off, so don’t read too much into what you get (other than, that I check off something other than none). Sometimes, if I feel like what you’ve done is really “above expectations”, and I think of it, I’ll check “notable.” If it really is sub-par, I’ll check “minimal.” As long as you don’t consistently get minimal, you are OK.

The movies are actually check/nocheck grading, but I didn’t do it with the moodle forum checkoff. Everyone gets a “check.” Yes, there is variance, and one which I think is “barely OK” – but overall, I think that people got the spirit of the assignment, and showed that you have some experience as to what a commercial animation tool is about.

Assignment 5 Partners

by Mike Gleicher on February 23, 2013


  • alex and will
  • alper and sarah
  • tomislav and haixing
  • monica and thomas

pairs I made:

  • tyler and eric
  • matt and zhouyuan
  • mao and zach

The week in 777: Week 6 Feb 25-Mar 1

by Mike Gleicher on February 22, 2013

OK. This was an odd week since I was sick, which sets everything back a bit. But we’re wrapping up with a bang: today, you’ll turn in your assignment 4 and pick your partner (or have me pick you a partner) for assignment 5.

Note: you need to post something on the Moodle discussion for Assignment 4 in order to see what everyone else did. If you partner has already posted your movie, just make another posting saying which movie was yours.

Also, please email me your partner choice for Assignment 5 by 1pm (this is an extra hour). Otherwise, I’ll pick a partner for you.

Even though we missed a lecture, I plan to proceed as if we had that lecture, compressing some of the topics (I am not sure there was 3 days worth of stuff to talk about). I was tempted to add a Friday lecture to catch up, but instead, I plan to have a discussion of Assignment 5. Since I told you no class Fridays until after break, it’s optional – but it might be helpful.

Monday – February 25 – You’ll read about basic motion processing/editing techniques. Reading 9 has a question to answer on Moodle. In lecture, we’ll talk about these basic motion techniques, and how they relate to motion processing overall.

Wednesday – February 27 – You’ll read about blending techniques. You’ve probably got the basics down, but you’ll see fancier methods that build on them. Reading 10 will introduce more about blending. And there will be a writing component.

Friday – March 1st – The first checkpoint of Assignment 5 is due. You’ll have to post something on Moodle that tells me what the status of things is. We’ll also have a class meeting (optional) where I’ll discuss the assignment, including brainstorming ideas for assignment 6 and tricks to make the project come out better. It’ll be a good time to ask questions – if I don’t know the answer, maybe a classmate will!

Class Cancelled 2/20

by Mike Gleicher on February 20, 2013

I need to cancel lecture today (Wednesday, February 20th). It’s very rare that I cancel a lecture because I’m sick, but I think that if I tried to give a lecture today, it wouldn’t be very useful for anyone.

Sorry for the late notice.