Whoops–wrong readings

by Mike Gleicher on January 28, 2013

OK, the reason you were confused about the reading today was my fault!

The links (both in the “week at a glance” and “syllabus”) for Reading 1 pointed to reading 2. So, rather than reading about the principles of animation, some of you read about seminal systems (and maybe thought that there was no reading for today since that reading says Jan 30). (these links have been fixed)

The principles of animation reading (which was supposed to be due Monday, Jan 28) is Reading 1, here.

Sorry about that. If you see other places where I have links wrong, please let me know (thanks Alper!). I don’t always get to check everything.

It is possible that wordpress switched things behind my back (since I have multiple posts with similar links), but I think I probably just made a mistake with copy and paste.

The reading for Wednesday, is Reading 2 (seminal systems)

The reading for Friday is Reading 3 (overview).

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