Week 13 (Mon, Nov 27-Fri, Dec 1) – Graphs
- Mon, Nov 27 : Class: High Dimensions
- Wed, Nov 29 : Class: Graph Layout, ICE
- Fri, Dec 1 : Optional Class: DC2 Demos
- Reading: Week 13 – Graphs
- Discussion 13: Graphs (first post due 11/28)
- Seek and Find 13: Graphs (due 12/01)
- Design Challenge : DC3 – Sketches (due 12/03)
Last week in class started to talk about scalability concerns, but took a pre-Thanksgiving detour to talk about DC3. We’ll discuss dimensionality reduction this coming week. And DC3 is posted (at least in draft form).
This week’s topic is graphs. Which will be useful for DC3. We’ll back up and talk about Dimensionality Reduction (because it’s an important topic, and a favorite of mine).
On Friday, December 1, there will be an optional class where you can give a demo of your DC2. This is your chance to show off what you’ve done – and see what others have done. You need to have handed in DC2 before this. (it is due on Sunday, 11/26 – and we’d prefer you turn it in and move on to DC3).
Learning Goals (for this week)
- Understand what graph and network data is and the specific challenges of it
- Be aware of a range of standard designs for graph data, beyond node-link diagrams
- Appreciate the challenges of node-link layout, and have a sense of the methods available