I made some changes to the Design Challenge 2 description. One clarification, and one change.
They are highlighted in blue on the assignment page.
11/1/2017 – Clarification: for phase 2, you can use the abstract tasks you turned in in phase 1. If you you want to do tasks defined by others, you can pick those as well. We will try to get a list of tasks compiled from student phase 1s out quickly so you can get more ideas beyond what you did in phase 1.
11/1/2017 – Schedule Change: we are extending the final deadline from November 19th to November 26th, although (1) the deadline will be hard (we won’t accept assignments more than a few days late), (2) you still need to turn in a “draft” for November 19th so we can get a sense of what you are turning in. I didn’t want to make an assignment due over Thanksgiving, but think of it as due before Thanksgiving, with a grace period. More details in blue below.
(if you prefer to think of it this way: … The deadline is still the 19th, we’re just giving a clearer and more lenient late policy, with the ability to “resubmit” if you want to update your assignment).
Warning: it may take a few days for the course calendar and canvas to be updated with the new deadlines.