There is a pile of stuff on the course web for you to look at. Enough that it might be hard to find everything. Here’s a summary of the key points, with links…
- This course is about principles of vis, not necessarily about implementation details.
- Class attendance is required. You should bring things to draw with.
- You are not required to buy any books, but there are some you might want to get.
- Each week there will be reading, an online discussion, a seek and find, and lectures. In many weeks, there will be in-class exercises and parts of the “design challenges” (mini projects).
- Everything counts towards your grade, even if it isn’t graded.
- There is a late policy.
- I am upfront about my philosophy about visualization, and the class is designed around that.
List of Pages and Posts to begin with…
- Course Announcement (general info)
- What is this class and why?
- Syllabus (class info – not the detailed schedule)
- Course Policies (page, stuff could be on the syllabus)
- Books for the class
- Changes for Fall 2017
- Rules for Seek and Find Assignments and Online Discussions
- The class schedule isn’t up yet (as of 8/15)
- How to Visualize – this will be a reading for week 1, but it might give you a better sense of my philosophy.