The Week in Vis: Week 15
Our last week! (really - since there is nothing during exam week).
Read more…This is a list of the weekly postings explaning what is going on in class.
These postings are always posted to Course Canvas as announcements. They are mainly here as an archive.
Our last week! (really - since there is nothing during exam week).
Read more…We’re close to the end… just 2 more weeks. And so much that I want to do (but reality is setting in). You’ve seen the plan in the End Game posting. The list of what’s left is short enough that “this week” shows everything…
Read more…It’s Thanksgiving week - which makes for an unusual week, since Thursday and Friday are holidays. And the day before Thanksgiving always feels a little different (we will have class). We’ll celebrate by having something unusual. And thinking about how the remaining time unfolds…
Read more…The topic for this week is evaluation: how do we know that our visualizations (or visualization systems, or visualization research) is any good. This is a really important topic, which deserves a lot of attention - but since we have the design exercise going on, we’ll need to limit it…
Read more…This week, the topic will be interaction - which is a big topic we will barely scratch. Our focus will be some ways to think about interaction.
Read more…This week we’ll talk about color! It’s a complex topic with many different aspects. And the next phase of the design challenge will have you making visualizations from the ATUS data.
Read more…This should have been a normal week - with a really important topic. But, since we’re starting a new Design Exercise series, I wanted students to have extra time (especially since I am late in getting the assignment finalized).
Read more…After last week’s conference week, we’re back to a more regular schedule, with all the components of class. We’ll experiment with the class rhythm a little. The topics are a bit of a grab bag… a chance to catch up on some things that we skipped over.
Read more…This week will be unusual, as we “catch up” from last week when we made the detour to connect theory and practice. Also, there is no class meeting on Wednesday and no surveys.
Read more…This week, we’ll explicitly talk about scale: what do we do when the data gets big. This problem is pervasive: we’ve been dealing with it all along, and will continue to deal with it with everything else we talk about. This week, we’ll try to get some vocabulary to talk about the problems and their solutions.
Read more…This is an unusual week in many ways. The reading (and discussion/seek-and-find) topic is implementation - which is a weird topic since there’s a choose-your-own adventure aspect to it. Everyone has different needs and interests on this one.
But to make things even more unusual, I will be out of town for the class periods. On Monday, we’ll have a guest lecture (Prof. Karen Schloss of the Department of Psychology), and we’ll also have an ICE. On Wednesday, we’ll have a full-period ICE (led by Cat).
Read more…This week, we’ll learn about encodings the way we map data to things we see. Encodings give the basics building blocks that we build visualizations from. The key idea is that rather than thinking about chart types, we think about them in terms of building blocks. That way we don’t need to learn zillions of chart types… we learn a few basic building blocks that we can assemble into charts as needed. An advantage to this approach: it lets us reason about why we might make certain choices.
Read more…Hopefully, everyone is settling into the regular pattern of class. This week (or maybe next week, if you’re reading this at the end of Week 2 is another regular week. There is no class survey, but we have everything else as “normal”.
The topic for this week is abstraction: how do we talk about data and tasks in general ways. This will allow us to get away from the details of any specific problem, and to transfer our knowledge between problems. It will also allow us to consider general purpose tools. We’ll also dig into the Design Exercise and look at some tools
Read more…This is our first full week of class (September 9-13). Hopefully, you will get used to the Weekly Rhythm. This week will follow the “usual” pattern. The week “starts” the Friday before with the “week in Vis” (this posting). This weekly message goes out as a Canvas Announcement, but also appears on the course web at The Week in Vis: Week 02.
Read more…This is the first of a weekly posting called The Week in Vis that explains what is going on in class during the week. It also should give you context for why we are doing things, and how it all fits together (so it is part of the “content” for the course). Each week, it will be posted as a Canvas Announcement. It is also a page on the course web (see The Week in Vis: Week 01).
Usually, I make this posting on Friday (before the week), but this is not a normal week.
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