Getting Started (Redux) - Especially for Late Enrollees
This is an update - especially for those who joined class late (we admitted a lot of students on or after the first day, but we should be done for now). We want everyone to get caught up on the first few assignments as soon as possible. Hopefully, we can get through the mechanics and administrative stuff and focused on learning Visualization!
For everyone: (if you haven’t already done so) please go through things on Getting Started, then make sure you’ve done everything from The Week in Vis: Week 01 (the first week’s assignments), and then The Week in Vis: Week 02 (the second week’s assignment). Week 2’s readings and surveys are due Monday.
Everyone must do the first week’s assignments (and every other week’s assignments). At the beginning, we will be extra lenient with things that are late. If you haven’t done the first week’s assignments (described on The Week in Vis: Week 01 - readings, discussion, seek and find) do them first! Do the first week’s assignment before the second week’s assignment (but please try to be caught up and do the secodn week’s assignment on time).
If you missed class, even if it is because you weren’t enrolled yet, you need to follow class policy and fill out a Missed Class Form. If you weren’t in class on Wednesday, September 4th fill out the form (and review the policies). You cannot make up the in-class-exercise.
The design exercise for week 2 is now available: DE02: Design Exercise 2: A First Look at Data.