DE15: DE6 Do-Over

For this design exercise, you get to fix your submission for DE06: One Data Set, Four Stories (Census Data Edition) and submit it again.

In DE06: One Data Set, Four Stories (Census Data Edition), you created 4 visualizations from a data set. It was early in the semester, before you learned about some of the useful lessons from class. Since you turned those visualizations in, you’ve received feedback (both the grading assessment and the DE7 peer critiques). You’ve had the opportunity to hear about more Vis topics. You’ve had more practice at creating visualizations.

You should be able to do a better job. We’re going to give you the opportunity to do so.

For DE15, you will turn in improved versions of the 4 visualizations you turned in for DE6.

We are flexible by what we mean by “improved version.” If you decide “I was asking a bad question and used the wrong design”, and end up with something completely different, it goes against the spirit of “improved version” (but we will allow it).

Because this is later in the semester, and you have more experience, we will have higher expectations this time around. You should know to have a good title, a good caption (not the auto-generated one!), not to use an inappropriate encoding, etc. We will penalize incorrect aggregations more severely than last time.

If you turn in the exact same visualization again, you are likely to get a worse grade. We will be less lenient about some of the common mistakes people made last time. You should know better by now.

We will grade this assignment independently from the previous one. Generally, we will grade this assignment by looking at your visualizations - we might go back to check your prior assignment, but generally, we won’t.

You must provide rationales for each visualiztion. However, the visualization must stand alone: we will grade the visualizations and the rationales separately, and only look at the rationales after we have assessed the visualizations.

Otherwise, the rules are basically the same as DE06: One Data Set, Four Stories (Census Data Edition). You turn in 4 visualizations, each “telling a story” from the census data data set.

This assignment is due the last day of class. You will turn it in as a Canvas Survey Design Exercise 15: DE6 Redo (due Fri, Dec 13). Late assignments will be penalized. We cannot accept late assignments after Friday, December 13th because we need time to get final grading done.

But how will this affect my grade?

Your grade for DE15 is a separate assignment from DE6. They will each count towards your final grade. You can’t “undo” your grade for DE6, but your DE15 grade will be averaged together with it when we average out the Design Exercises. (DE6 and DE15 will have the same weight)