Canvas Caveats

Canvas isn’t always great about how it handles multiple file uploads - especially around deadlines. So a few bits of caution for turning in assignments.

You should check that your submissions have been properly uploaded.

Two “canvas problems” that you should be aware of. We’ve seen some unusual Canvas behaviors reported by students. We can’t rule out that it is “user error” - but it’s a good reminder to be cautious (and some advice on how).

  1. Sometimes, with Canvas multiple file uploads (and maybe even with long type-ins), assignments aren’t recorded correctly.

  2. Sometimes, close to the deadline, Canvas behaves weirdly. We’ve seen cases where things submitted after 11:59 get “rounded” to 12:00 (the next day). For #1, it could be that Canvas takes time to process uploads, so that part of the upload happens after the deadline, and misses a cutoff. (Or, it could be that a stressed student is rushing to make the deadline, so they forget to do things correctly)

We have not been able to recreate these problems. It could be that there was some other mistake by the student was made. We have also only heard about a few cases where this has happened.

But, given that we are pushing what Canvas was meant for, please:

  1. Check that your submissions have been uploaded correctly. Canvas does let you see your survey/quiz responses (unless we’ve set things incorrectly - if we have, please let us know!). You should check each time. If things weren’t uploaded correctly the first time, try again (see below).

  2. Beware around the deadline. Yes, you can cut things close, but be aware that you are taking a risk that submissions will go smoothly. If you submit things at 11:50+, you might get lucky, or you might not…

With #1, if something goes wrong, you should resubmit. (you need to resubmit the entire assignment). With #2, you should have left yourself enough time so that if you need to resubmit, you can.

If your resubmission is after the deadline (but you think your submission was before the deadline), send a note to the TA (cc to the Professor, following course policy Communications Policy) explaining what happened.

If things go really wrong (e.g., you can’t get Canvas to upload after multiple tries, or you miss the cutoff) …

If you find that you simply cannot get Canvas to upload your assignment, you can use an alternate mechanism:

  1. Make a single ZIP file that contains all of the images (PNG, PDF, etc.) and one text file with the answers to all of the text questions and multiple choice. Please name the images so that it is clear which question they are for, and the single text file should have all the answers clearly numbered.

  2. Upload it via this google form

  3. Send email to the TA (cc to the Professor, following course policy Communications Policy) explaining what happened.

Do not send assignments to the Professor or TA by email.