This is the course web for the Fall 2024 offering of CS765, Data Visualization.

You might want to start with Getting Started.

The Week in Vis: Week 04

in Weeks in Vis

This week, we’ll learn about encodings the way we map data to things we see. Encodings give the basics building blocks that we build visualizations from. The key idea is that rather than thinking about chart types, we think about them in terms of building blocks. That way we don’t need to learn zillions of chart types… we learn a few basic building blocks that we can assemble into charts as needed. An advantage to this approach: it lets us reason about why we might make certain choices.

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Hints for Good Figures (how to do well on Design Exercises)

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Here is some advice on making good “figures.” It is targeted towards design exercises, but really, they are advice on how to make good figures generally.

These ideas apply more to places where we are asking you to “tell stories” from data. This starts with DE04. If you’re putting a figure in a paper or a slide, you are telling a story as well.

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DE03: Design Exercise 3: Pictures and Questions

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Design Exercise 3 will ask you to consider what visualizations to make to answer questions. We will continue to work with the Census Data. This assignment will ask you to think more about the Census Data data set. The goal is to think about how questions and visualizations connect, and to start coming up with visualizations that answer questions. Mechanics This exercise will be turned in as a Canvas Survey: Design Exercise 03: Pictures and Questions. Read more…

The Week in Vis: Week 03

in Weeks in Vis

Hopefully, everyone is settling into the regular pattern of class. This week (or maybe next week, if you’re reading this at the end of Week 2 is another regular week. There is no class survey, but we have everything else as “normal”.

The topic for this week is abstraction: how do we talk about data and tasks in general ways. This will allow us to get away from the details of any specific problem, and to transfer our knowledge between problems. It will also allow us to consider general purpose tools. We’ll also dig into the Design Exercise and look at some tools

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Tableau Invite

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Invitations to our Tableau Cloud instance were sent out after class today.

You should receive an email with subject “You’ve Been Invited to Tableau Cloud” from the server ( Please accept the invitation and set up your account now. Even though we may not use Tableau until next week.

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Getting Started (Redux) - Especially for Late Enrollees

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This is an update - especially for those who joined class late (we admitted a lot of students on or after the first day, but we should be done for now). We want everyone to get caught up on the first few assignments as soon as possible. Hopefully, we can get through the mechanics and administrative stuff and focused on learning Visualization!

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Waiting List - Final Message

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On Friday, September 6, we closed the CS765-24 class. If you are not enrolled, you will not be. I apologize to those of you who wanted to take the class - there was more demand than capacity. What can you do if you want to learn about Visualization? You cannot attend class. Please don’t come. See below. Showing up is only one of the parts of class. You also cannot access internal course materials on Canvas (fair use means just for students in class). Read more…