The Week in Vis: Week 05

This week we’ll talk about implementation… how do we make visualizations. In general, we won’t spend too much time on the topic, but I want everyone to see some of the basic strategies. The Readings 05: Implementation will tell you more about the plan (and give you “readings”).

Part of this week is a video - it doesn’t take the place of a lecture, but it serves in the place of a reading. We’ll use class time to look at the design exercise and to look ahead at some tools you might use to make visualizations.

This week has you turning in your designs for our first exercise (the aid data) Design Exercise 3: A Design Problem. To be more precise, this is the first phase of the exercise (make designs). In the following weeks, you’ll critique others (Design Exercise 4: Critiques and Experiments) and revise your designs (Design Exercise 5: Aid Data Handin).