Collaboration Policy and Academic Conduct

In this class you are expected to uphold standards of professional conduct and academic integrity. The University policies on academic misconduct apply to this class.

Proper academic conduct means being honest about your work and being respectful in your communications with staff and other students.

Data Visualization (and specifically learning visualization) is a team activity. Learning visualization is best done in collaboration with others. Proper collaboration is key.

Unfortunately, in a university class setting, we have the constraint that we must assess individuals independently. Therefore, there is a fine line between “collaboration” and “academic misconduct”. In general, we encourage students to discuss their work with others. But assignments and projects must be substantively from the person/group claiming to have done it. Individual assignments should be from a person; group assignments should attribute the effort to the group.

Discussion (online and in person) is an important aspect of this class. Please be respectful and appropriate when communicating.

If you are unsure if something is collaboration or academic misconduct, please ask the instructor for clarification.

The Professional Conduct and Academic Integrity (Department of Communication Arts) page has a nice summary of the University policy that includes Professional Conduct and Academic Integrity. The University’s definition of academic misconduct is at UW Definition of Academic Misconduct.

Syllabus statement: By virtue of enrollment, you agree to uphold the high academic standards of the University of Wisconsin-Madison; academic misconduct is behavior that negatively impacts the integrity of the institution. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and helping others commit these previously listed acts are examples of misconduct which may result in disciplinary action. Examples of disciplinary action include, but is not limited to, failure on the assignment/course, written reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion. (taken from UW Recommended Syllabus Statement)

Unintentional misconduct: It is the responsibility of the student to understand all the details of the syllabus and UW-Madison policies. Lack of understanding regarding how to properly cite, the presence of specific course policies, and University expectations, does not excuse behavior.

Collabortion: Learning is a team sport. However, many of the class activities we ask you to do individually. The most important thing is to fairly and correctly represent the work. Do not claim credit for work done by others. If you use something from someone else (whether it is a classmate, or an online resource, or …) be sure that you have permission to use things in the way that you are using it, and that you give proper attribution.

Community Behavior: Bad community behavior, such as being offensive or hurtful to others, prevents others learning experience and is, therefore, part of Academic Conduct. See the

Communications Policy (Etiquite Online and Online Conduct).