EOW01: Survey Answers
Examples of correct answers to this week’s survey
Example Answers to The Questions
1-1 What does the initial state of the Table Exercise make “easy to see”?
Good Response: The easiest thing to see with the initial chart is the numerical order of the student ids, so it would support the task of looking up a specific student’s information. However, given the task was to see grade distribution, having them sorted in numerical order is not particularly helpful, instead we’d want them sorted in something like ascending/descending order. So our tradeoff here is giving up our ‘look up’ ability while improving the ability to see a distribution.
1-2 Can you predict where Munzner and Cairo were going?
Good Response: Munzer approaches the material from a more task specific perspective while Cairo approaches it from a more design specific perspective.
1-3 Pick some class policy you will need to remember
Here, we explicitly said a single sentence was OK.
1-4 Generic weekly “how did the class materials and activities support you in this (the week’s main learning) goal?”
Good Response: The readings opened my eyes as to what things I should consider when making visualizations. They also started to help distinguish between what makes a good and bad visualization. The different perspectives on the definition of visualization and thinking about how they relate to each other and my personal, working, definition of visualization and those of my classmates in the discussion post was super helpful.