Design Exercise 8B: Critique

In Design Exercise 8: Telling Stories from the ATUS data set, each student turned in a draft of their work for Design Exercise 9: Visualization Hand-Ins. For “DE8B” we will all provide critiques to each other in order to help improve the designs for the final.

How it will work

Shortly after the (strict) deadline for DE08: Story Building, we will place the submitted designs into a directory on Canvas: Each student will be assigned a random number. Their 3 designs will be renamed to “N-x.ext” (where N is the students number, x is the design number, and ext is some image type (e.g., PNG, JPG or PDF)).

These critiques will take the place of the week’s seek and find and end-of-week survey. They will have the same timing. While they are “due” on Friday, November 11th, you can turn them in (without penalty) over the weekend. We need them on Sunday the 13th - so we can send them out on Monday the 14th so the recipients of the critique have time to use them for their final project hand-ins (which will be due Friday the 18th).

You are responsible for doing at least 6 critiques. You must do it for 3 other students (the students who are N+1, N+2, and N+3 - if your number is N, modulo the number of students who turn in the assignments). For each of these 3 students, you may pick any 2 of their designs (there should be 3 to choose from) to critique.

We hope that students do at least some extra critiques. You can either pick more designs from the same students, or choose another person (N+4 - or even just some random one). We will reward students who do many good critiques.

Submit your critiques using this Google Form:

You can use this form to submit as many responses as you like. There is a single “paragraph” type in (aside from telling which design you are critiquing). The form is to provide 1 critique for 1 design.

We will evaluate your critiques, in quantity and quality. We will assess the quality of your critiques, not of the designs you are critiquing.

You can think of this assignment as part seek and find, part end-of-week survey, part design exercise, and part trying to help out your classmates.

The directory of designs: