Weeks in Vis

This is a list of the weekly postings explaning what is going on in class.

The Week in Vis: Week 03 (Sep 20-25)

in Weeks in Vis

Our second full week of class. Hopefully, you’ve gotten used to to the pattern. This week, we’ll introduce the final piece of class: design exercises and challenges. These will be due on Mondays (so I am warning you about something for the 27th).

The topic for this week is abstraction: how do we talk about data and tasks in general ways. This will allow us to get away from the details of any specific problem, and to transfer our knowledge between problems. It will also allow us to consider general purpose tools. We’ll also talk about critique (which you read about last week).

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The Week in Vis: Week 01: Getting Started

in Weeks in Vis

This is the first of a weekly posting called The Week in Vis that explains what is going on in class during the week. It also should give you context for why we are doing things, and how it all fits together (so it is part of the “content” for the course).

Usually, I make this posting on Friday (before the week), but this is not a normal week. And this isn’t a normal week-in-vis posting.

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The Week in Vis: Week 00

in Weeks in Vis

No, we really don’t start counting at 0, this is the week(s) before class.

Normally, there is a posting each week about what will happen in class during the week to help you get ready for it. This is a bit of a practice for that.

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