Other Handins and Surveys

What: Occassional (irregular) asssignment handins and surveys
Why: We may need to collect things or check that students are prepared for class When: One or more times per week. We may have surveys at the end of the week or before class periods.
How: An online assignment or quiz in Canvas, or using an online form
Assessment: GradingĀ (Ungraded Grading Scale), and some assignments might provide an opportunity to contribute to GradingĀ (Discussion Grading) Late Policy: Pre-class surveys have a hard deadline of the night before class. Other deadlines may be more flexible.
Drop Policy: Drop 2 applies, possibly with extra leniency

From time to time to time, we may ask you to turn small things in. For example:

  • We may ask you some survey questions to help you self-assess that you’ve adequately understood the readings before class, and to get a sense of what questions people might have for us to cover in class.
  • We may ask you to create a design so that we can work on it in small groups during class. We might ask you to scan your design and hand it in, in addition to bringing the paper copy to class.
  • We may ask you to complete a design that you started in class, for example to follow through on an initial design idea. Posting things online enables others to give critique.
  • We may ask you to critique a design made by another student. Note: in this case, your score is based on the quality of your critique (not the quality of their design).

These assignments will not happen every week - it seems excessive to have a pre-class check before every lecture, or we might not know that we need to give students extra time to complete designs until we see how the in-class design goes. While I dislike that these are ad hoc, I really prefer to have a regular weekly rhythm, there is simply too much uncertainty and variance in how the class works.

For some of these handins, we will have them as Canvas discussions, which will allow students to respond to others' postings. These may be required (for example, the prompt might say “provide a critique for at least 2 other students”), or just an opportunity to ask questions or discuss the work. This is an opportunity to participate and will count towards
GradingĀ (Discussion Grading).