Weeks in Vis

This is a list of the weekly postings explaning what is going on in class.

The Week in Vis 03 (Mon, Sep 14-Fri, Sep 18): Abstraction

in Weeks in Vis

Week number 3…

We’re slowly getting the mechanics worked out - hopefully you are able to do all of the Parts of Class, and the synchronous classes haven’t been too problematic.

This week’s topic is abstraction: how do we talk about tasks and data in a general way.

Readings 03: Abstraction - will get at the main ideas, and suggest some things to look at beyond the minimum.

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The Week in Vis 02 (Mon, Sep 7-Fri, Sep 11): Why Visualize?

in Weeks in Vis

Week number 2…

We’ve made it through week 1, and done all of the different parts of class (except for design challenges). If you didn’t do week 1’s seek and find, online discussion, or survey, please do it (better late than never).

Readings 02: Why Visualize? This week has more readings than usual. There are some for before class on Wednesday (or really, before your first discussion post), some for before class on Friday, and some to read after wednesday’s class (since I’ll help put them in context with the lecture). This week is unusual is there are the readings (on critique practice) to read before Friday’s class.

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The Week in Vis 01 (Mon, Aug 31-Fri, Sep 4): What is Visualization?

in Weeks in Vis

This is the first of a weekly posting called The Week in Vis that explains what is going on in class during the week. It also should give you context for why we are doing things, and how it all fits together (so it is part of the “content” for the course).

Usually, I make this posting on Friday (before the week), but this is not a normal week. And this isn’t a normal week-in-vis posting.

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