The Week in Vis 03 (Mon, Sep 14-Fri, Sep 18): Abstraction
Week number 3…
We’re slowly getting the mechanics worked out - hopefully you are able to do all of the Parts of Class, and the synchronous classes haven’t been too problematic.
This week’s topic is abstraction: how do we talk about tasks and data in a general way.
Readings 03: Abstraction - will get at the main ideas, and suggest some things to look at beyond the minimum.
- Online Discussion 03: Abstraction (due Tue, Sep 15) - as usual, there are two parts (one due on Tuesday, one due on Friday)
- Seek and Find 03: Abstraction (due Fri, Sep 18), which is more practice at thinking about task and data abstraction.
- Survey 03: Abstraction (due Fri, Sep 18) - these are helping me help you, as well as (hopefully) helping you reflect on the material.
- Design Challenge 1 is beginning! The first phase is due at the beginning of next week. DC1-1: Tableau Tests (due Mon, Sep 21)