Survey 1 Results

49 people took survey #1 (so far, although I only saw 48 answers when I checked).

The results are summarized below.

  1. 41 people in Madison - only 1 more than 2 time zones away
  2. 44% will use a tablet and upload for drawings
  3. Scanned answers (how to gather?)
  4. Canvas: few have never used it (10%), most people have uploaded / done quizzes (85/88%). Not that many people have done groups (40%). 1/3 have been TAs so have seen the “other side” of canvas
  5. Most people have used BBCU (71%)
  6. People are split on group size (5/6 vs 6-10)
  7. Cairo is a good reading for class
  8. Synchronous class seemed OK (63% - get better with practice)

And a few interesting things came up in the comments. Some that are worthy of comment:

  1. There is a course calendar (schedule) on the course web. The upper right of the course web can give you a checklist of what is going in this week. I am still working out the “project” component of class (so it’s still “to be determined”).
  2. BBCU has problems when too many people try to share audio/video. Please mute your camera/microphone when except when you are talking or in a group.
  3. We are losing some time to technical challenges, including people connecting to class late. This should get better with practice, but ultimately, online seems to need more time than in-person. I need to better adapt class plans.
  4. Partially based on the technical challenges and slow starts, and partially based on poor planning, I did run out of time both days. I’ve tried not to go overtime too long, and make up for it by posting the things I didn’t get to. (see, for example, the Recap of ICE 1).
  5. We are working on better mechanisms for turning things in during in-class exercises.
  6. I do intend to draw/write as I “lecture” - I am actually using a pen tablet. I just didn’t draw much the first two days.
  7. Please don’t try to draw with a mouse. (see Drawing (Art Supplies))
  8. People appreciate the opportunity to interact with classmates, especially this year where there are less opportunities to meet with other students. But, please try to have a good Audio setup.
  9. Implementation is coming (week 5). We can’t do everything first.