Tools for Class

This section provides some advice on how to best some of the varied tools we will use in class.

Spend some time to understand which tools we are using and how to best use each. Some of the tools will be easier if you take time to configure them at the beginning of the semester.

I won’t discuss all of the tools here - but will comment on ones where I have some hints on how to use them most effectively.

Preface: Why So Many Different Tools?

We are using a variety of different tools for this class. We’ll use the Canvas LMS, the Piazza class discussion system, and there is the Course Web Page (what you’re reading). We’ll use Google collaboration tools for in-class assignments.

I am doing this since no one tool does everything well.

The upside is that we have better tools for each thing in class. The downside is that we have to keep track of (at least) 3 different ways to communicate.

On the Communications page I discuss what each communications tool will be used for.

Below are some hints on using some of the tools we’ll use in class.

Why not Slack (or Teams)

in Tools for Class

We will not be using Slack (or Microsoft Teams) in class. While these are popular tools, and in many ways better than some of the tools we will use, they are not permitted by the University.

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Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU)

in Tools for Class

We will use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU) for synchronous class meetings, and any synchronous class events where we expect more than a few people to show up. It is useful to take some time to set BBCU up so you can use it most effectively.


  1. Set it up correctly and test your audio/video beforehand
  2. Mute yourself (and turn off video) for “whole class” parts, except when you are talking
  3. Raise your hand if you want to speak to the whole class (breakouts can be conversational)
  4. Use chat, status, and emoticons to communicate when you are not speaking.
  5. The “room” for the lecture will open 30 minutes before class for pre-class conversation. There is a second “discussion” room that students can use outside of class time.
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Tips on Using Canvas

in Tools for Class

With the class online, Canvas will be even more essential. It is worth taking a time upfront to learn to use it effectively and to configure it to your needs.

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