Class Meetings


  1. All class meetings will be held online. This includes the synchronous “lecture” times, as well as any meetings with course staff such as office hours or tutorials.
  2. Scheduled class meetings at 11-12:15, Wednesday and Friday. (see Lectures (Class Meetings))
  3. Attendance at the scheduled class meetings is required (see Attendance).
  4. Be prepared to design and participate (see Requirements (Things you Need for Class)).
  5. We will use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra for class meetings and Zoom for office hours (see Communications).

The instructor and TA are happy to meet with students either by appointment, or during scheduled office hours (check my home page for times).

The scheduled “lecture” time slot for the class is 11-12:15 on Wednesday and Friday (yes, this is an odd timing - see CS765 in the time of Covid (Why is this class online?) (Why the odd timing?) for an explanation). These class meetings will generally not be lectures: they will be interactive sessions where you will learn with your classmates. They are required.

If you do not intend to attend almost all of the class meetings, please do not take this class.

See Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (BBCU) for instructions on using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra for class. In general, keep your camera and microphone off in the “whole class” group, and turn them on in breakout groups. Use chat to ask a question in the “whole class” group.

You are expected to attend and participate all regularly scheduled class meeting (see the Attendance policy). We will keep score.