Some key things at a glance, see Getting Started (Start Here!) as well.
Course Format: Online
Instructor: Professor Michael Gleicher. Office: not this fall. (online) Office hours: TBD or by appointment.
TA: Young Wu. Office hours (online): by Appointment.
Communications: We will use this course web, Canvas and Piazza. See the Communications page for details.
Required Class Meetings (Lectures):: Wednesday and Friday, 11am-12:15pm. Online.
Office Hours: Held online. By appointment, or times TBD.
Policies: See the class Policies page.
Exams: There will be no exams.
Parts of Class: There is a weekly rhythm including readings, class meetings, online discussions, seek and find assignments, surveys, and design challenges.
Class Topics: This class presents the foundations of Data Visualization: how we create imagery that help viewers perform tasks with data. See What Is This Class and Why? for a discussion of the class design, and the Schedule for a list of the specific topics discussed.