To give you a sense of what will happen for the last 2 weeks of the semester…
- We will not have any more quizzes – the topics don’t lend themselves to quizzes, and I expect people want more time with DC3.
- We will not have any more Friday classes. On Friday, December 7th, I will have an office hour 11-noon. (but not Friday, November 30th).
- There are readings, discussions, and seek and finds for the last weeks.
- On Monday, December 3rd, we’ll wrap up talking about graphs with a discussion of things that are better than force-directed layout, and an in class-design exercise (that will really involve doing some designing).
- Sometime in the last 3 classes, we’ll talk about presentations (since people always like to hear about that, and reading about them doesn’t get the point across). We’ll also try to talk about uncertainty, modeling, machine learning, … – a lot to cram in.
- The main thing that is going on will be DC3. At this point, the intermediate deadlines are mainly for us to check that you are making progress.