Among Canvas’ many features, is the “assignment comments” thing, which lets students and graders leave comments on assignments.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to alert us to when comments are made (at least us graders – I am not sure about the students). So, if you leave a comment for us (the course staff), we may not see it unless we look. We will assume you won’t see comments that we leave, unless you are looking otherwise.
So, for this class:
- You (as a student) should not leave an assignment comment except when it accompanies the submission of an assignment. If you want to comment on a grade or assignment comment you were given, please use either email or the Canvas messaging system (which I don’t know how to use, but it sends me email). We will only see your assignment comments when we grade your assignment – not before, or after.
- We (course staff) will only use assignment comments when we give you a grade to explain what your grade was. Any followup discussion will happen using another communication mechanism). We will expect that you look at assignment comments when you get your grade (so you can see feedback).
Sorry this is complicated – once again, making Canvas work for the class is tricky.