DC1 Final Handin Clarification

by Mike Gleicher on October 9, 2018

To clarify, on the DC1 final handins (due Friday 10/12):

  • You need to turn in PDFs. If you feel that a PDFs does not capture your design well (e.g., if you have interaction), you can explain in the description. However, the point of the assignment is to create “static, self-contained” pages (with captions, …)
  • We really want each thing as a separate PDF. This means a PDF for the overall description, and a separate PDF for each design (which means at least 5). It would be useful if you named things to identify them “description.pdf”, “story1.pdf”, “story1-alternate.pdf”, … – or similar.
  • Please do not put your names on your designs. This will make anonymous critique possible (which we may do).

You may wonder “am I better off being on time, or being late and having a better assignment?” Of course, its best to have a great assignment and be on time. However, being a little late is not a big deal if it makes a difference in quality. Remember, we look at lateness over the semester, and even though “late” is binary for Canvas (1 minute is the same as 1 week), we are aware of the subtleties. If you’re only late on 1 or 2 things, it is different than if you’re chronically late. However, next week DC2 starts – and you don’t want to fall behind on that!

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