If you are on the waiting list: please be patient. I think we are close to being able to let everyone on the waiting list in. No promises – we still need to wait for people to drop. Rather than trying to prioritize people, I am going to see if we get enough drops.
However, if you are on the waiting list:
- Please come to class on Friday! We will use that as a way to gauge interest.
- In terms of the assignments: we can’t let you into Canvas until you enroll. Don’t worry about it. We understand that the first assignments will be late for lots of people. You may want to do them (the discussion and seek and find) offline so you just need to upload them when the time comes. You can do these (and the first Quiz) next week after you get enrolled.
- In terms of the reading: again, I can’t easily give you access to Canvas. So temporarily, I’ve put the week’s readings (at least the Canvas ones) into: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~gleicher/TempOpen/Vis18-Readings/. The first 2 weeks readings are there (just the ones from Canvas – the ones on the open web are not included)