Update on Enrollment and Waiting Lists

by Mike Gleicher on August 15, 2018

Update, August 29th: we still have more people on the waiting list than we have seats in class. Rather than invite more people, we will wait until after the first day of class and see what capacity we have. If you are on the waiting list, please come to class – we’ll overflow the room (so please give priority for seats to those who are enrolled).

Update, August 21: we have invited many people from the waiting list. If you have been invited, please either accept the invitation, or take yourself off of the waiting list. If you have not been invited: there is a good chance some people will drop / not accept their invitation. I can’t promise we can take everybody.

As of August 15th, we have a room (312 Wendt) with 80 seats. However, between the waiting list and current roster, we have about 100 students. I expect that many people will drop, so that everyone on the waiting list will be accommodated. However, I can’t let more people into the class then there are seats – so some students may need to wait until people drop before they can enroll.

So… it would be really helpful if we can figure out people who aren’t going to take the class sooner (so they can drop/remove themselves from the waiting list) sooner rather than later. This class isn’t for everyone – it’s not like most other CS classes.

While I welcome all students who want to take the class, I also appreciate this class isn’t for everyone. If you’re interested in the class: please have a look at the course web (and/or last year’s course web) and get a sense of what the course is about. If this class doesn’t seem like what you want (and you’re likely to drop it), it is better that you drop (or remove yourself from the waiting list) sooner rather than later. You’ll make someone on the waiting list happy.

The key pieces of the course web are up (see start here). This should give you a lot of information to decide if you want to take this class.

The course web is: http://pages.graphics.cs.wisc.edu/765-18/. It is still under construction, but a few things are in place that are useful for understanding the class and whether it will be what you want:

If you look at last years course web (http://graphics.cs.wisc.edu/WP/vis17/), this year will be similar. A number of minor improvements will be made.

If you are interested in the class and are not enrolled, please make sure that you are on the waiting list. Students who are on the waiting list will be given priority.

We expect to start processing the waiting list on August 20th. There is a chance it might happen sooner.

We will not be able to have auditors or unenrolled students in the class this year.

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