(note: I have assigned grades as of noon, 4/28/2012 – but I have not mailed them to you yet)
Project Scoring Rubric:
N=5 or 6 (weeks)
- 1/N – did you do all of the pieces (most people get 100%)
- 1/N – proposal & revision (lenient scoring – most people get 100%)
- 1/N – final material quality (clarity, completeness, … – generous scoring)
- (N-3)/N – content quality
Note: the content quality mixes in to other parts as well. The content expectations are higher for longer projects.
Note: for 838, the "meets expectations" level for 2&3 gets you an AB. #1 is basically a freebie A. For 638, the 1&2 meets expectations level gets an A (and 3 gets an AB). We are generous on these parts so we can be honest/harsh on #4.
In terms of the 5/6 week thing: note that if you took the extra week, your actual content was more important to your grade (makes sense, since you had an extra week for that, but the same amount of time for the mechanics). Since, generally, scores are higher for 1-3 than 4, this works out.
#1 All Parts:
We counting up all the different parts. Most people turned in everything (including summary)
- initial contact/reply (a few people didn’t meet the letter of the law, was only counted against you if the next two things were problematic
- one person missed phase 2, but arguably thought their initial proposal was OK
- one person effectively missed phase 1 & 2
- everyone had the summary (but 1 was extremely late)
- 3 people were missing self-evals (note: I will not read these until after grades are assigned)
#2 Proposal
Exemplary = A (very few)
Good enough = AB
Minimally Acceptable or Problematic = B (or less)
Good Enough = A
Minimally Acceptable = AB
Problematic = B
note: some i gave +/- to, which basically says it might be better/worse than the grade and that should be considered in border cases
#3 Materials
This attempts to assess the quality of the write-up, how nicely things were handed in and presented, … – independently of how good the actual content was. It’s trying to be more about the form, although this is admittedly hard to separate.
Good (or better than good): A
Good enough / acceptable : AB
Problematic: B (or worse)
Very Good: A
Acceptable / Good Enough: AB
Problematic: B (or worse)
#4 Content
Hopefully, the detailed comments (from the P1 feedback) are sufficient to let you know why I gave it the score that I did. Remember, things are scored against the expectations set in the proposal (also described in the initial feedback).
Initial P1 Feedback:
The above scores were built on the P1 feedback.
Please be aware that these may come across as negative – I often was finding flaws, rather than praising the good parts on this pass. Also, in terms of grades, a portion of the grade comes from correctly following the process, and most people do well on that aspect.
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