Wow – we’re getting to the end. Hopefully, your projects are going well (and you sent a project update), and that will be the main focus of your time. But we do have some topics left…
- Monday, April 30: A lecture of Design. We will have an special guest lecture and interactive activity with someone who has experience as a designer. Please do the reading before the lecture, but you can do the Piazza post afterwards.
- Wednesday, May 2: We’ll combine the previous two lectures and have a discussion on talk materials (using our developing design critique skills to look at some presentations). We will also do course evals.
- Friday, May 4: No class. I will hold extra office hours to discuss projects. There will be a project update due, but details have not yet been provided.
The last week, we’ll talk about 3D and depth perception, and the “other half” of visualization (traditional scientific visualization). But mainly its time for you to get your projects done.