Next week, we’ll go over two topics that I like to talk about (and people said they want to hear about). They are both topics for which preparing yourself for the discussion will be useful. Also, next week is really a chance to get your project on track.
- before Monday – Your project 2 revised proposals are due (extended deadline). If all goes according to plan, you should get initial P1 feedback on 4/20. If you don’t get it before the P2 revised deadline, let us know because something has gone wrong.
- Monday (April 23) – Class discussion on animation, with required Piazza post. Yes, we’ll watch some cartoons in class (projector willing). It makes it more fun. Thinking about animation can be a good way to get at general communication principles.
- Wednesday (April 25) – Class discussion on presentations, with required Piazza post. I guess presentation is part of Visualization, but I am thinking of it more as a skills building thing. We’re not doing presentations in this class, but hopefully it will help you should you need to give on. (which I do, on Thursday)
- Thursday (April 26) – I am giving a talk in the library about the Vis work in our group. You can view it as a chance to see if I practice what I preach (both in terms of vis projects and presentation). But its totally not connected to class, and you probably hear enough of me any way.
- Friday (April 27) – Project 2 Progress updates. A lesson from Project 1 is that doing these are important: they are a really good opportunity for course correction, and to make sure things are on track.