(due Wednesday, April 18th)
These were called seek and find, but I changed the same a little bit to make it catchier and more about the real goal.
For this assignment, you need to find an example of a visualization on the web. You need to find an example that shows relational (graph) information, but not using an explicit node/link diagram representation (as a line or curve connecting the nodes). (update – it might be hard where the links aren’t shown explicitly. if you can’t chose one that uses some interesting way to place the nodes)
In your description of it: critique the choice of not using the explicit node/link representation. Why (and why not) was this a good choice by the visualization’s author. Your critique should be more general (give a sense of what it is trying to convey, and how effective it is).
The ground rules are similar to the last seek and find exercise:
Find a visualization, preferably on the web (so you can give a link to it). Preferably one that can be conveyed well in a small picture, and preferably one that presents data of interest to you (especially if you work in some domain). Preferably one that is different than what other people have given.
Grab a snapshot of the visualization (as a picture like a PNG or JPEG – you may need to use screen capture and then edit it). In addition to linking to the visualization, we want you to post a picture (unless you can figure out how to embed without uploading). Please make sure the picture isn’t too big (if you upload a big picture, it even uses bandwidth if you show it at small size). We want the picture by itself so we can see it without following the link to where its from, and to see it out of context).
When you attach your picture to the Piazza question, make sure that you use a filename that includes your name (enough so we know who posted what). Embed a small version of the image into your posting, and a link to where the picture came from.
Your posting should explain the network information that is being conveyed, a critique based on the concepts in class about its effectiveness, and an explicit comment on the designers choice of a non-explicit node-link diagram format.
If you are having a tough time finding something that isn’t clearly not a node-link diagram, you might also want to explain why you picked it as an example that gets away from the standard kind of display.
This assignment is due on Wednesday, April 18th. (although leniency for assignments turned in before Friday the 20th).
The Piazza page is here.