Small change in plans: we’ll defer talking about graphs and networks to spend more time on high-dimensional data and related issues. This will also allow you to be more focused on your projects.
The reading for this week (Reading 15: two chapters from Munzner) will be discussed over the two lecture days. We might take time Wednesday for projects discussion. They are “due” Wednesday, but if you comment earlier, it will help with the discussion.
- Monday (March 19) – The general topic is “too much stuff.” We’ll talk about what happens when you have too many variables, too many data points, …
- Wednesday (March 21) – More discussion of dealing with too much stuff. Additionally, we might use time for peer review of project progress or an in-class design exercise.
- Friday (March 23rd) – Project handin plan due. I will actually be out of town, so I might ignore your email until Monday.
The following week, as it is right before the project is due, is bound to be unusual.