Project 1 Plan Updates

by Mike Gleicher on March 3, 2012

Phase 2 for Project 1 asks you to update your project proposal with any changes you want to make now that you have (hopefully) actually started working on the project.

The plan update should be in the same form as the original proposal (in fact, use your original proposal as a starting point).


  • Make any clarifications we required when accepting your proposal.
  • Make any changes or adjustments that you think are required based on your initial experiments. (it would be good if you highlighted the changes somehow, and made clear what has changed).
  • You should have a new section that is an initial reading list
  • You should have a new section that describes your initial progress (this should be brief – a few sentences)

Please send this plan update to the Professor and TA by 11am on Friday, March 9th. The professor will hold additional office hours (TBD) if you want to discuss your project (or feel free to make an appointment).

You should continue to ask question and consult the Project 1 FAQ on Piazza.

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