This week we’ll have a bit of an overview of the whole class to get a sense of where we’re going and the various perspectives we’ll look at the topics through.
Hopefully, the set of people will stabilize. We’ll stick with the initial class mechanics before trying to improve them (I appreciate the suggestions people have already made – some I’m trying to figure out how to implement).
Remember, for each day, the reading/assignment is due before that day. When I get up early in the morning, I will look at them so I can try to make use of them in class.
- Monday, January 30th – Reading Assignment 2M is due, to enable us to have a discussion about “What is visualization?” Hopefully this will let us get at the many different perspectives on the topics we’re going to see.
- Wednesday, February 1st – Reading Assignment 2W is due – which will basically give you the whole course in a nutshell. The class time will be an overview of the various kinds of things we’ll be learning more about. The idea is to give us enough basic vocabulary that we can start digging into stuff more deeply.
- Friday, February 3 – Assignment 2 is due. Whether or not you plan on coming to the optional class meeting.
- Friday, February 3 – (optional) Class time will be a “problems pot-luck” – bring a data interpretation problem to pass around. The hope here is to get some ideas as to the kinds of data people care about (since so many of us are coming from different domains). To the extent possible, we’ll make use of the Assignment 2 responses to give ourselves something to look at. This will be a little better structured than the 1st optional meeting, I promise!