There is a lot of initial content on the website here. Normally, it would trickle out, so I would have it all come as news. However, for the first week, I’ve chosen to have things organized (in BasicInfo, Assignments&Readings, …), and make this single post to remind you what you are supposed to be doing.
- For Monday, January 23rd: First day of class! Be sure to come! Look over the website beforehand. Read through the BasicInfo, at least.
- For Wednesday, January 25th: Assignments 0 and 1 due (well before class time). Class discussion about the reading. Part of the assignment is to read over the website and get started with Piazza. And make sure to do the reading (including commenting on it!)
- For Friday, January 27th: An optional class exercise. Basically, it’s a time to get to know one another with no real plan.
- For Monday, January 30th: Reading assignment 2M is due. Class discussion about different perspectives on visualization.
- For Wednesday, February 1st: Reading assignment 2W is due. Class discussion is an overview of visualization.
- For Friday, February 3rd: another optional (experimental) gathering: a “problems pot-luck” where people will be encouraged to talk about this visualization problems that most interest them.
- For Friday, February 3rd: There might be a “written” assignment due. Still TBD.
After these first two weeks, we should have a better idea who is in the class, so we can get into a more regular groove. I have a rough plan for how I see the semester proceeding (see the Syllabus).