Comments on: Color: Simply Good and Bad Course web for CS838 Spring 2010, Visualization Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:15:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: turetsky Thu, 11 Feb 2010 16:44:20 +0000 The Good: I definitely shows how crayon colors have expanded over time. I believe you can now buy a large Crayola box with over 100 colors in it, but I may be wrong. It also gives some idea of the category all the colors all into, though there are some odd choices, like the red at the top.

The Bad: I agree with all you’ve said about the color choices for this map. I also think that if the two colors at the end of the spectrum were next to each other on the map for some reason, then I would immediately assume that one was simply a step up or down on the index from the other, not wildly different. I would note that it seems the map never has any color higher than the pink, so I wonder why they even put a legend that goes that high.

By: punkish Thu, 11 Feb 2010 07:22:09 +0000 oh, the crayons vis is simply gorgeous. And, truly, what could be better than color to visualize color. Bravo.
