Comments on: Good and Bad Visualizations Course web for CS838 Spring 2010, Visualization Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:15:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: ChamanSingh Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:54:34 +0000 Some Critique about Visualization:

Visualization #1: Visualization is non-portable concept.
One good thing in this visualization is that instead of showing bars, the actual
product have been used as a texture. This simplifies the visualization and it becomes very easy to understand the entire context for which this visualization was created.

But why there was need for visualization that is questionable. My personal opinion is that the dataset is small and even the text would have given enough information. Since visualization is essentially non-portable concept
( You need to borrow magazine, take print out etc ) compared to pen-and-pencil, I think that First stage of visualization i.e. Problem Identification is not reasonable to justifty visualization, but the presentation is nice.

Visualization # 2: Thoroughly confused.
Color, if used excessively can make concept as complex as the problem itself. In this visualization, too much boxes with the same colors have been used and they have not been demarcated properly, therefore it is quite confusing and require deep thinking about what is going on. Visualization must be extremely simple and as Tufte says, visualization must harness the first order cognitive capabilities, this visualization can make many heads spin. Time magzine didn’t do a good job on this visualization.
