Comments on: Good: Newsmap. Bad: ArtDiaspora.viz. Course web for CS838 Spring 2010, Visualization Wed, 22 Feb 2012 22:15:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Hill Thu, 11 Feb 2010 18:54:27 +0000 I wasn’t able to actually use the newsmap service, but I could understand that the amount of screen space given to each news story could easily be used to draw the users eye to the most covered topics. I’m assuming that the lighter blocks are newer stories, which makes sense because the human eye will be attracted to the lighter blocks. One thing that I’m not sure of is whether this is better for finding the top news stores than just a list. I’m not sure what other queries this could be used for.

I agree that ArtDiaspora.viz is a pretty bad visualization. I think the major problem is one of scalability. It would probably work well for a few artists, paintings, and countries, but for the number of artists in the examples I saw, it becomes impossible to follow any of the connections. There are connections between each section title and every node in that section. This adds a lot of meaningless clutter. It is very difficult to find and artist and trace from the country of origin to the country that the painting was created in. For small numbers of artists, this would probably be okay for determining who painted what, but not for much else.
